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viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths in My Life

We think that a situation that shows Self-Control is every time that we are in class and we have to put attention.

Yesterday, We had this problem, we were complaining about a work, but we realize that we were being childish and if we had use Social Intelligence nothing would had happen.

Our life has changed thanks to the Character Strenghts. Now We are more responsibles, honest and we had a better friendship with each other and with other people.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


The Character Strenghts we have are:
Social Intelligence

Because we have seen that they are the ones that we use the most in our day by day. Last month we had to use Social Intelligence because we take care of some kids, so we had to keep them entertained.

A person that we think has Character Strenghts is:

Mafer Posada is a good student because she is always helping with everything she cans. When she made a school project she helped everyone and at the end they get a 100!!


1.-Use curiosity, to know more about your friends.
2.-Use Social Intelligence, to improve your social relations.
3.-Use Gratitude, to thank everyday your mom for evry thing she has done for you, with that you´ll never regret anything if something bad happened.
4.-Use Self-Control, To think everything before you speak, this way you´ll never regret what you had said.
5.-Use Optimism, to attrack people to you. (Your first impression to someone is really important)

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Teacher of the Day!!

  •    is name is Gerardo Hernández Contreras, He teaches civic and ethic formation.

  •    He loves to.......Read, see movies, eat Mexican food and be in good tems with his students.

  •    He dislikes........having a bad relation with his students and being tired

  •         Hobbies......Sports(in general) and going to the cinema

  •          Studies ........Degree in social sciences and business manager

  •        He´s single :v

  •          He say he has the next character strenghts: Zest, Self-Control and he´s working in Social Intelligence

  •          Why? Because he has realize he has deficiences and when he thinks that something is missing he works on it.

  •         We think he has Social Intelligence more developed, because he´s really talkative and that make´s people feel comfortable.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Hi. We're Ana and Ximena!

This is our blog and here we're going to talk about "Character Strenghts!".
Our goal is to make people understand what are the character strenghts,
Why are they important and how are they useful